Hi there!
Thank you for stopping by our site to read more about this journey we are on to adopt and to complete our family. So grab a cup of coffee, pull up your chair, and hang out here with us for just a few minutes.
This is Our Story:
Jerimiah and I have always had a heart for adoption from the beginning of our relationship. In fact, it was on a mission trip working and staying in an orphanage that began our dating journey . We didn't know what adoption would look like, but we knew God had placed a deep conviction in our hearts, even before we were engaged and working on our family. We had no idea the road we were about to walk to have a family. God knew.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
Building a family for us has been the greatest challenge of our lives. It has pulled our hearts in so many directions and in some ways has felt somewhat unfair at times.
For years we struggled to get pregnant. This stage of life was so dark. The verse that stands out to me during that time is:
" Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy." Psalm 130
On August 13, 2010 and July 8, 2012 we were finally able to have two beautiful children. However, we knew that we were missing someone very special that would complete our family. This began our journey to find that sweet child. And this began our journey to adopt.
We both feel a call and a longing to adopt a child from China. We looked, researched, and spoke with a gazillion agencies with a wide range of options (domestic, foster to adopt, international) and felt the most peace and call to China's adoption program. We will be asking to adopt a little girl. There is a story behind choosing a girl. I am sure I will be able to share that story at some point.
We ask that you would first of all pray for this journey. Not just for us, but for our child. I believe that our daughter has already been born (although I don't know this for a fact). There is a daily ache that my child is out there and I am not with her.
So pray for her joy today.
Pray for those that care for her.
Pray that she is loved today until she can be loved by us in our home.
This is a hard space to live in. No parent wants to miss a moment of their child's life, especially the first few years. It is actually quite unbearable to be missing so much. Praying for her protection, joy, and love from others is worth more that gold to us. So please consider praying with your family or small group for her.
We would be honored to have you join us in our story of adoption. If you can pray we would be forever grateful.
"He has made everything beautiful in it's time" Ecclesiastes 3:11
He really has.
Praise be to Jesus, may He be glorified in all things.
Blessings to you all,
Jerimiah, Jennifer, James, and Annabelle
81.5 million Americans have considered adoption. If just 1 in 500 of these adults adopted, every waiting child would have a permanent family.
The births of nearly 230 million children under age 5 worldwide (about one in three) have never been recorded, depriving them of their right to a name and nationality.
As of 2013, an estimated 17.7 million children worldwide had lost one or both parents to AIDS. Most of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa.
In 2013, California and Texas were the two U.S. states with the most children in public foster care waiting for adoption.2
Last year, nearly 9,000 children were adopted internationally.
The average waiting child is 7.5 years old.
Inter-country adoption has decreased 59 percent from its high in 2004, due primarily to restrictions by sending countries.
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China is officially known as the People's Republic of China.
China has the largest population in the world, with over 1.3 billion people (1,343,239,923) as of July 2012.
China is the 3rd largest country by area.
The Great Wall of China is the largest man made structure in the world, stretching an incredible 8,850 kilometres (5,500 miles).
Although there is no "official" religion in China, there are a number of religions and spiritual followings practiced by Chinese. The most widely practiced religions are Buddhism and Taoism.
There are Five yellow stars on China's flag, a large one that represents the Communist Party and the four smaller ones that surround it represent the four different classes of society.

As you might imagine, this journey will be costly in more ways than one. We plan on doing what we can to save and set aside the funds we'll need to pull this off but we also anticipate that it will take some help from some friends. We'll keep you posted on any unique fundraising opportunities as they develop. For now, just continue to pray for us but be sure to check back here in the near future for other ways to support this effort. Grateful for you all.